Inspections in the Albertine Graben
The continuous encroachment and degradation of forests and the related human activities within the lake shores, river banks and catchment areas have resulted into; complete loss of tree and vegetation cover further leading to soil erosion and siltation of the water bodies thus changing their ecological, social and economic functions. The degradation has also negatively […]
Restoration of L.Victoria/L.Nakivale shores, R.Nile banks and Catchment Areas
The continuous encroachment and degradation of forests and the related human activities within the lake shores, river banks and catchment areas have resulted into; complete loss of tree and vegetation cover further leading to soil erosion and siltation of the water bodies thus changing their ecological, social and economic functions. The degradation has also negatively […]
The Payment for Ecosytem Services Project June 2010-April 2014
The Government of Uganda through the National Environment Management Authority (NEMA) received financial support from the Global Environment Facility (GEF) through the United Nations Environment Program (UNEP) to implement a project entitled, “Developing an Experimental Methodology for Testing the Effectiveness of Payment for Ecosystem Services (PES) to Enhance Biodiversity Conservation in productive landscapes in Uganda”. […]
The (Build) Project
The project is implemented by the National Environmental Management Authority (NEMA) in partnership with the Conservation Strategy Fund (CSF). The Conservation Strategy Fund (CSF) is a US based non-profit organization that uses economics and strategic thinking to help conserve natural ecosystems around the globe. The program which is a 3 year project will support the […]
Partnership for Development of Environmental Law and Institutions(PADELIA)
NEMA implemented a Project on “Capacity Building to Alleviate Poverty through Synergistic Implementation of RIO MEAs” managed through the UNEP funded project on Partnership for Development of Environmental Law and Institutions (PADELIA). The project is aimed at increasing Uganda’s capacity to mainstream environment into development strategies in order to promote sustainable development and poverty alleviation. […]
POPs Project for Development of National Implementation Plan (NIP)
The National Environment Management Authority (NEMA) with technical assistance from United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) and funding from the Global Environment Facility (GEF) implemented the Project for the ‘Enabling Activities for the Stockholm Convention on Persistent Organic Pollutants (POPs): National Implementation Plan for Uganda’. The project started in July 2005 and was completed in March […]
Conservation and Sustainable Use of the Threatened Savanna Woodland in the Kidepo Critical Landscape in North Eastern Uganda
Project title: Conservation and Sustainable Use of the Threatened Savanna Woodland in the Kidepo Critical Landscape in North Eastern Uganda Background Government of Uganda (GoU) through the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP), received financial support from the Global Environment Facility (GEF) to implement this project. The project satisfies the requirements for GEF financing under Biodiversity […]
Clearing House Mechanism (CHM)
NEMA on behalf of the government of Uganda received financial support from Global Environmental Facility(GEF) through United Nations Environment Program(UNEP) for the development of a National clearing House Mechanism (CHM). The Uganda Clearing House Mechanism (UG-CHM) will be a web based portal designed to facilitate information exchange and utilization amongst all stakeholders in Uganda on […]
Project on institutional capacity strengthening for implementation of the Nagoya protocol on access to genetic resources and benefit sharing in Uganda
1.0 Background: The Global Environment Facility (GEF) is providing financial support to Government of Uganda to implement a project titled Institutional Capacity Strengthening for Implementation of the Nagoya Protocol on Access to Genetic Resources and Benefit Sharing in Uganda (ABS project). The project goal is to conserve Uganda’s genetic resources and its associated traditional knowledge […]
Promoting integrated landscape management approach for conservation of the Mount Elgon ecosystem in eastern Uganda project
1.0 Background The Government of Uganda has identified and prioritized equitable access to productive land, sustainable natural resources management and integrated landscape planning and management as critical development pathways for meeting economic growth, poverty reduction and industrialization. One of the country’s critical landscapes faced with vast land management challenges is the Mt. Elgon landscape. This […]