Frequently Asked Questions

Q: What is NEMA’s work? / What does NEMA do? National Environment Management Authority is a Principle agency of government responsible for coordinating, monitoring, regulating and supervision of all activities relating to the environment. NEMA reviews Environment and Social Impact Studies before granting approval or rejecting projects that may have an impact on the environment. […]

NEMA’s Executive Director wins ABETO Peace Award 2023

KAMPALA, July 20, 2023 – The executive director of the National Environment Management Authority (NEMA) Dr. Barirega Akankwasah is one of the eight awardees of the Always Be Tolerant Organisation (ABETO) peace awards for 2023. The colourful event took place at Hotel Africana in Kampala, Thursday July 20. ABETO was started in 1995 as a […]

“Greening Agriculture”: Key stakeholders converge to harness trees on farms for Biodiversity conservation

July 19, 2023 – The National Environment Management Authority (NEMA) actively participated in a Regional Knowledge Sharing workshop alongside key wildlife conservation stakeholders. The primary focus was to explore the roles and opportunities for farmers and District Local Governments in promoting biodiversity conservation. The workshop had several important objectives: first, to assess the status of […]

NEMA trains Resident District and City Commissioners in Environment Management

July 13, 2023 – The National Environment Management Authority (NEMA) has taken a significant step in promoting environment management by providing comprehensive training to Resident District Commissioners (RDCs) and Resident City Commissioners (RCCs) from selected districts in Central and Eastern Uganda. The training session, held in Jinja City, was attended by more than 40 commissioners. […]

NEMA Partners with ABSA Bank, NFA to restore Mabira Forest

July 1, 2023 – National Environment Management Authority (NEMA) partnered with ABSA Bank Uganda and the Kampala Has House Harriers to participate in the 80km Kampala-Jinja relay under the theme Run for the Environment. The relay saw over 25 teams, with specific athletes running for at least 10 KM before passing the baton to a […]

What we do

•Coordinating the various environmental management activities being undertaken by the lead agencies. •Promote the integration of environmental considerations into development policies, plans, programmes and projects, with a view to ensuring the proper management and rational utilization of environmental resources, on sustainable yield basis, for the improvement of the quality of human life in Uganda. •To […]

Commencement of operations to enforce provisions of the National Environment Act, 2019

Friday, March 31, 2023 On 8th February 2023, NEMA announced plans to enforce provisions of the National Environment Act, 2019 and various regulations in relation to various offences including developments without Environment and Social Impact Assessment, Failure to conduct Environment Audits, breach of conditions of NEMA certificates, littering, noise, encroachment of wetlands, riverbanks, lakeshores, pollution, […]

NEMA to Implement Express Penalty Scheme for environmental breaches

Wednesday, February 8, 2023 The National Environment Management Authority hereby informs the general public that effective 1st, April 2023 we shall in addition to existing criminal prosecution measures; commence an Administrative Penalty Scheme for environment breaches in line with Section 174 of the National Environment Act, No.5 of 2019. The express penalty scheme is intended […]

Clarifying Uganda Law Society’s challenge of the ‘car dustbin penalty’

Tuesday, March 21, 2023 NEMA has noted an article in the Daily Monitor under the headline ‘Uganda Law Society Challenges NEMA on the car dustbin penalty’. NEMA is indeed in receipt of a letter from the same Law Society seeking clarity on the basis and prescription of the sh6m maximum fine for driving a car […]