Project on institutional capacity strengthening for implementation of the Nagoya protocol on access to genetic resources and benefit sharing in Uganda

1.0    Background:

The Global Environment Facility (GEF) is providing financial support to Government of Uganda to implement a project titled Institutional Capacity Strengthening for Implementation of the Nagoya Protocol on Access to Genetic Resources and Benefit Sharing in Uganda (ABS project). The project goal is to conserve Uganda’s genetic resources and its associated traditional knowledge and access and share the benefits arising out of their utilization in an equitable and sustainable way. The ABS project objective is to strengthen institutional capacity for effective implementation of the Nagoya Protocol and conduct effective awareness campaigns on ABS in Uganda.

The Project focuses on four components: (a) Strengthened National Regulatory and Institutional Framework for ABS, (b) Capacity building for the implementation of the National ABS, (c) Strengthening ABS Management at the Local government and Community Level, and (d) Information, Education and Awareness on ABS. the components shall be realised through 7 outcomes namely; 1.1 National ABS regulatory and institutional frameworks in compliance with the Nagoya Protocol on ABS in place and operational; 2.1: Government agencies have the skills and competency to implement and enforce compliance to the Nagoya Protocol; 2.2: Makerere University training and producing professionals with knowledge on ABS; 2.3: ABS National Focal Point and CNAs effectively carrying out their functions; 3.1: Effective working models for ABS at the local community level; 3.2:  Effective participation of men and women in benefit sharing &  4.1: Increased awareness in Uganda on the Nagoya Protocol on ABS.

2.0    Project Stakeholders:

The National Environment Management Authority (NEMA) is the project executing agency working in collaboration with Uganda National Council for Science and Technology (UNCST) and state (Uganda Wildlife Authority (UWA); National Forestry Authority (NFA); Plant Genetic Resources Centre (PGRC); National Forestry Resources Research Institute (NaFORRI); National Chemotherapeutic Research Institute (NCRI); Makerere University) and none state (GIZ ABS Capacity Development Initiative; Karamoja Women Cultural Group (KWCG) and United Organization for Batwa Development in Uganda (UOBDU)) partners.