Who We Are

We are a worldwide ministry in which millions of children reap the benefits of one man’s clear

The Mandate Of NEMA

The National Environment Management Authority (NEMA) is a semi-autonomous institution, established in May 1995, under the National Environment Act, Cap 153, and continued under the National Environment Act, Cap 181 as the principal agency in Uganda, for regulating, monitoring, supervising, and coordinating, all activities relating to the environment (NEA Section 9(1) with statutory functions in Section 9(2).

While executing its mandate and functions, NEMA works with Ministries, Agencies and Local Governments (MALGs), the private sector, civil society organizations, development partners, and other stakeholders to promote effective environment management in Uganda through policy and legal reforms, environmental compliance monitoring and enforcement, integration of ENR values and concerns in the National Development Plans, sectors and local governments. Besides, NEMA supports resource mobilization and capacity building for environment management across sectors and local governments.

Furthermore, NEMA plays a pivotal role in the domestication and implementation of the regional and global obligations or commitments especially the multi-lateral environmental agreements (MEAs) that the Authority coordinates and implements on behalf of the Government of Uganda. Notably, NEMA mainly coordinates the domestication of MEAs that relate to biodiversity conservation, management of chemicals-the ozone layer- mercury, controlling persistent organic pollutants, and to some extent some SDGs such as SDGs12, 13, 14 and 15. It is important to note that, over the years, these MEAs have greatly contributed to financing and capacity development for biodiversity conservation and sound chemical management in Uganda.

Core Values

Client focus, Integrity and transparency, Professional motivation and commitment, Innovation, and creativity, Open cross-functional and all participatory decision making and problem solving, Partnerships, collaboration, and Passion for Sustainable Environment.


NEMA is the principal agency in Uganda for regulating, monitoring,

supervising and coordinating all activities relating to the environment.


“An Efficient Agency, with People in Uganda living in a Clean, Healthy, Productive and Sustainable Environment.”


“To promote and ensure sound environment management practices for sustainable development.”



“To promote sound environment management and prudent use of environment and natural resources in Uganda”.


Strategy Theme

“A Clean, Healthy and Productive Environment contributing to Social- Economic Transformation in Uganda”

NEMA’s Statutory Functions

Section 9 (2) of the NEA Cap 181 provides for the statutory functions of NEMA, which are to:

  1. Advise on the formulation and implementation of environmental and climate change policies, plans and programs;
  2. Advises the Minister responsible for Environment on legislative proposals and standards relating/pertaining to the environment;
  3. Advise the Minister of Water and Environment (MWE) on the harmonization of policies of Government with respect to the environment and natural resources; 
  4. Support the mainstreaming and integration of environmental concerns in the national and sectoral plans through coordination and collaboration with Lead Agencies;
  5. Require Lead Agencies to report and account for the execution of their mandate in relation to environment management as prescribed in the Act and any other applicable law;
  6. Issue environmental compliance certificates;
  7. Regulate, monitor and coordinate private sector, intergovernmental organizations, non-governmental organizations, cultural; institutions, indigenous people and other local communities and religious institutions on issues related to the environment;
  8. Regulate environmental practitioners in the conduct of environmental and social impact assessment, and environmental audit processes;
  9. Review and make decisions on environmental and social impact assessments, environmental audits and other studies or reports submitted in accordance with the Act or any other applicable law;
  10. Issue permits and licenses in accordance with the Act and any other applicable law;
  11. Undertake and coordinate environmental monitoring, inspections and compliance audits;
  12. Undertake and support research in innovations, new technologies and emerging issues on environment;
  13. Prepare and disseminate the National State of the Environment Report;
  14. Support the preparation and dissemination of the National Environment Action Plan;
  15. Undertakes public environmental awareness and literacy’s. coordinate Lead Agencies in their preparedness and response to environmental emergencies or disasters;
  16. Coordinate Lead Agencies in their preparedness and response to environmental emergencies or disasters
  17. Supports the implementation of multilateral environmental agreements for which the Authority is the focal point;
  18. Advises the Minister on legislative and other measures for the management of the environment or the implementation of relevant international conventions, treaties and agreements in the field of environment, as the case may be;
  19. Advises the Government on regional and international environmental conventions, treaties and agreements to which Uganda should be a party to and follow up the implementation of such agreements where Uganda is a party; and
  20. Enforce the provisions of the Act.