SEA – Strategic Environmental Assessment of Oil and Gas activities

Strategic Environmental Assessment of Oil and Gas Acitivities in the Albertine Graben, Uganda

To support and guide the objectives of the National Oil and Gas Policy, the Government decided to perform a Strategic Environmental Assessment (SEA) for the Albertine Graben. Overall the SEA shall contribute to sustainable use of natural resources and goods derived from the Albertine Graben by maintaining the structure, functioning and productivity of the ecosystems of the area as a basis for long term value creation and sustained livelihoods. A key objective of the SEA was therefore to ensure that environmental issues associated with the oil and gas sector are considered and integrated into laws/regulations, major decisions connected to Policies, Plans and Programs (PPPs) and specific strategic aspects related to petroleum activities at the earliest stage.

The SEA was undertaken in the period from 2009 – 2013. It included a major stakeholder engagement process using direct consultation in meetings and workshops, baseline data collection and identification of key issues as well as definition of opportunities and risks in a transparent manner. It has provided numerous recommendations how to improve management of the petroleum sector and implement best practice to ensure that the objectives to create lasting value to the Ugandan society are met.

Download the report here:

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